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Savannah Road

Independence Village

Greetings from the Independence Junior College Family!

The Faculty, Staff, and Administration wish to welcome you to our young and vibrant institution located in your home; the heart of the Banana Belt. We are honored by your show of confidence in selecting us as your tertiary education provider.

We are committed to excellence despite the many challenges during our COVID realities. With the continuous support of our stakeholders, we are striding to build a Junior College that will develop well-rounded individuals who are academically strong and socially skilled for future scholarly pursuits and/or for placement in the workforce.

The addition of our Evening Division introduced in August 2018 is proof that our institution is growing. Our Evening Division has been designed specifically to satisfy the demand of employed individuals who would like to pursue their tertiary education. At present we are only offering Associate Degrees in Business Management and Accounting, and these are delivered fully online. As the Evening Division expands, it is our hope to also expand our programme offerings, based on the needs of our target group.

We look forward to working with you to build your fullest potential. Mother Theresa states, “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love”; hence, we urge you to approach school life with great zeal and superb commitment, so you can achieve your desired goals. As the famous Aristotle France said, “To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe”. So scholars, believe in yourself and you will certainly accomplish great things.

We assure you that the lecturers of Independence Junior College are willing to go the extra mile to provide you with the necessary support to meet the challenges of education. We will empower you with the relevant skills to combat various societal obstacles; however, we need your collaboration and commitment to accomplish our desired goals successfully. Together we can; together we will make a change in each of our students’ lives.

We pledge our commitment to ensuring that you receive a meaningful education that provides you with the keys to success. Eleanor Roosevelt stated, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams”; therefore, believe, work hard and keep focus and you will achieve your educational goals.

Welcome to the Independence Junior College Family.

Mrs. Marie Young (Dean)